Prescription Drug Detox Center in Georgia

Don’t let the pain of withdrawal, or the fear of failure, keep you trapped in the downward spiral of prescription drug addiction. Our detox professionals can keep you safe and comfortable as you take your first steps on the path toward long-term recovery.

What is Prescription Drug Detox

Learn More About Prescription Drug Detox

There are many invaluable benefits associated with taking prescription medications, as these sort of substances can be life-saving options for care for the individuals who need them. Whether taken to alleviate pain, decrease mental health symptoms, or diminish the effects of certain medical concerns, prescription medications are excellent medical advancements that have positively transformed countless men and women’s lives for the better. On the other hand, medications like Ambien, OxyContin, Xanax, and other prescription medications are the source of exceptionally difficult addictions for numerous individuals all across the country.

If you’re a person who has abused and is now addicted to prescription drugs, then you’re probably aware of how this kind of substance abuse problem can affect your life. Unlike when prescription drugs are taken for legitimate medical reasons, the misuse of such substances can lead to a whole host of unfavorable outcomes that can alter the course of your life if treatment is never received. And while your addiction has possibly caused you to feel as if all hope has been lost, you should know that you can still turn your life around.

Detoxification services, which are better known as detox, are a treatment option that you can access to remove the abuse of prescription drugs from your life for good. This level of care is featured within comprehensive programs at many reputable treatment centers, and is effective at clearing your system of substances and giving you the clear focus needed to make great strides in your recovery journey.

Prescription Drug Withdrawal

What Happens During Prescription Drug Withdrawal

Very much reliant on the type of prescription drug that you’re addicted to, withdrawal is something that can happen once you stop abusing your medication of choice. A process that’s widely known to be uncomfortable both physically and mentally, withdrawal is also a powerful trigger that can make even the strongest of people return the misuse of prescription drugs.

Since your body develops a tolerance for prescription medications, you may have needed to increase the amount you’ve taken since you began abusing your drug of choice. As time goes on, and as you begin consuming prescription drugs more often, your body and mind begin to depend on the presence of the substance you’re abusing in order to function. But, when you stop your prescription drug use, withdrawal symptoms can manifest and make recovery seem like a far-off ambition that can’t be achieved. However, if you want to stop the misuse of prescription drugs, get through withdrawal safely, and work towards your sober future, detox could be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Detox at Blue Ridge

Why Consider Prescription Drug Detoxification at Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center

Your health, wellness, and safety are our top priority here at Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center. We employ a team of deeply committed medical professionals who can help you get through the first phases of recovery with very little risk of relapse, and who are ready, willing, and able to make the process of withdrawal as comfortable as possible. In fact, when you choose to come to our center, you’ll have 24/7 support, encouragement, and the resources needed to help you advance to the next part of your treatment.

While in detox, which is the first part of the treatment experience at Blue Ridge, your health status will be monitored, you may be given closely supervised medications to help you cope with your strife, and you can begin enjoying the clearer mind that’s needed to work towards true sobriety. So, when you’re ready to begin living a life that’s no longer compromised by the abuse of prescription drugs, know that Blue Ridge is here for you.

Benefits of Detox

Long-Term Benefits of Detox for Prescription Drug Addiction

There are many consequences that can emerge when you remain addicted to prescription drugs. Your chances of relapse remain high, the potential for an overdose remains elevated, and your risk of engaging in the abuse of other drugs rises the longer treatment is delayed. Conversely, when you partake in a program that offers detox, you can reap many advantages, including:

  • Improved overall health
  • An uncompromised mindset
  • The time and focus needed to develop recovery skills
  • The ability to set goals for the present and future
  • Decreased risk of relapse

These are but a handful of the benefits that you can enjoy when you come to Blue ridge Mountain Recovery Center to overcome an addiction to prescription drugs. If you’d like to learn about the other benefits of detox, want more information about our services and programming, or would like to begin the process of admissions, call our devoted intake team today. Your questions can be answered and you can be given the details needed to make the most informed decision for yourself at this crossroads in your life.

At Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center, we can’t wait to help you begin your new, sober life.

Checking in at Blue Ridge was the best choice I've ever made.

– James
Marks of Quality Care
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • PsychArmor
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)