Local Support Groups in Georgia

You face many challenges each day, but you don’t have to face them alone. Let Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center help you discover your inner strength and overcome your trials with confidence.

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotic Anonymous are 12-Step groups that have existed for decades and can help you hold true to your recovery goals. Listed below are local support groups to help you in your recovery.

Our 12-Step Program

At Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center, we are fully dedicated to helping you live the sober life you deserve. To help our clients defeat their addictions, we do all that we can to make sure that they remain on the path of recovery long after leaving our center. Therefore, when you come to our center near Atlanta, Georgia, know that you will have the personalized care needed to stay sober for the long-term.

In addition to the customized treatment plan that you will receive, we personalize your discharge plan in much the same way. Our experienced staff works closely with you to ensure that you have the resources in place that can support your sober lifestyle. Among the referrals that we provide, we frequently advise our clients to become members of support groups upon returning home. Support groups allow you to stay connected to the recovery community, and can help you avoid relapse. Additionally, these groups can prevent you from feeling alone as you continue working on living a healthier life.

Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center incorporates the 12-Step philosophy into its programming. Therefore, to help you keep working on the Steps, we may encourage you to participate in 12-Step groups while at home. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotic Anonymous are 12-Step groups that have existed for decades and can help you hold true to your recovery goals.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

AA is specifically designed for those recovering from alcoholism. While in this kind of alcohol abuse support group, you can learn from the experiences of others, and receive encouragement from them. Additionally, you can share your own experiences with alcohol abuse, and be a source of support for your peers.

Many AA groups are open, which means anyone is welcome to attend and share their insights. Closed meetings, on the other hand, are meant only for those who are in recovery. Regardless of the type of meeting you attend, you can still benefit from the nonjudgmental support that these groups offer.

If you are presently looking to join an AA support group in the Atlanta area or anywhere else in Georgia, you can click on the following link to find a location near your home:

Find an AA meeting in Georgia by clicking here

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

NA was established to help individuals who are recovering from drug addictions. Similar to alcohol abuse support groups, NA groups are based on the 12 Steps. While in these groups, you may encounter people recovering from heroin, meth, or cocaine addictions, to name a few. Additionally, like with AA groups, you can share your story, hear other people’s stories, and benefit from being around others who may have experienced similar challenges with drug addiction. Finally, there are both open and closed NA meetings available, and you can choose which type of meeting is right for you.

If you are located in northeast Georgia and would like to attend a narcotic support group, click the link to find a meeting on a day and time that benefits you:

Find an NA meeting in Northeast Georgia by clicking here

Additionally, if you are located in another part of the state, click the following link to find a NA group close to your home:

Find an NA meeting in all other parts of Georgia by clicking here

Continuing Care

During your time at Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center, you will navigate the 12-Steps, and be able to make progress in your recovery.

Once you are outside of our treatment setting, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups can give you the leg-up needed to remain committed to your sobriety. Aside from the support you can receive, you can remain connected to people who are all working towards the same goal. And while your experiences may differ, you and other members of these groups can learn invaluable ways to prevent from falling into a pattern of substance abuse once more.

By staying connected to the recovery community via support groups, you can enjoy a healthy and sober future.

I will forever be thankful for the time I spent at Blue Ridge!

– Evelyn
Marks of Quality Care
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • PsychArmor
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)